Pintura especial para crear efectos de desconchones
Chip & Nick es una pintura inteligente creada para ayudarte a crear efectos super realistas de chipping en tu modelo con un mínimo de habilidad. La pintura funciona mediante la técnica VMS de "chipping invertido" y cualquier otra técnica clásica como el chipping con esponja y pincel fino. Al contrario que la pintura estándar, si aplica demasiada pintura puede eliminarla simplemente con un pincel empapado en agua. IMPORTANTE: ¡El producto es sensible a las bajas temperaturas y no debe congelarse! Almacenar y manipular a temperatura ambiente. ¡El modelo debe ser barnizado con VMS Varnish HD o equivalente antes de su uso! Consulte las preguntas frecuentes sobre el producto para obtener más información.
Creating realistic chipping isn't always easy, and many of us modellers struggle while creating realistic chips and scratches. With VMS reversed chipping technique you don't need special painting skills - random super-realistic chips and scratches appear automatically and everyone is guaranteed to achieve stunning results!
VMS Chip & Nick is a revolutionary product that is not just reversible (washable). This intelligent paint automatically creates micro chips that are otherwise very hard to create using classic techniques!
How do I prepare my model for Chip & Nick smart chipping paint?
You need to varnish your model before using the paint. Chip & Nick was extensively tested with VMS Varnish HD line and we recommend it for guaranteed results. We advise using matt or satin variants. Make sure you varnish your model correctly - you need a smooth and even surface without overspray (overspray is coarse surface caused by bad technique or poor/dirty equipment). If your varnish layer is correctly applied (smooth, well levelled) you will achieve results as seen in our videos. Make sure that varnish covers all nooks and crannies well! Your varnish layer needs to cure for 1-2 days before you can start the chipping paint process.
What does it mean that varnish is well cured?
Dry to touch doesn't mean the varnish attained it’s full durability - singular solvent particles will be dissipating from the layer for several days to come and the resin will harden gradually. It’s true for any paint or varnish. Curing can take several weeks even for acrylics, but 1-2 days are usually sufficient for weathering purposes.
How do I use the Chip & Nick paint?
Varnish your model with VMS Varnish HD or equivalent, ensure it levels well,
Wait 1-2 days for the varnish to properly cure,
Shake the paint well,
Select the area that is supposed to receive the chipping effect and apply the paint using a sponge or brush as shown in our video,
Wait 10-15 minutes for the paint to become dry to touch,
If your chipping is perfect you don't need to do anything, if you need to correct/refine it use a brush soaked with water to erase excess paint,
Remove any loose paint/pigment with bigger flat brush,
Leave to dry, you can use hair dryer at low setting.
Can I use varnishes from other brands?
We've tested the paint extensively with VMS Varnish HD and if you use it the success is 100% guaranteed. We've tested with varnishes from leading brands and results were satisfying although less predictable, you may need to alter (shorten) drying times for instance. All that matters is the varnish payer is well executed, Therefore in case you aren't using VMS Varnish HD we advise you to do a test on a styrene sheet - simply paint it with the same paint and varnish you intend to use on the model to make sure things will work fine.
How is this product better than classic methods?
Chip & Nick doesn't add thickness to your weathering as hair spray and similar fluids do, VMS paint optically melts with the base for an outstanding result,
Chip & Nick is reversible - there is no danger of bad chipping as you can always remove excessive paint,
Chip & Nick allows you to create super fine chips that were so far reserved to fine brush technique in fraction of the time needed and completely hassle free,
Chip & Nick allows for multicolour chipping effects whereas hair spray techniques and “washable” paints allow for just one colour due to their lack of resistance to water. Chip & Nick can be further thermally treated to increase its water resistance.
I want the paint to flake more easily!
Work on satin on gloss varnish - paint will be very easily to remove but chipping not that fine - bigger flakes. If you are already working on matt varnish: shorten the initial drying time to 7 minutes - paint will be easier to remove.
I want the chipping effect to be finer - small nicks instead of bigger flakes.
Work on matt varnish and paint thin layers. If you are already working on satin or gloss varnish: paint thin layers, use less water while scraping and lengthen the drying time to 20-30 minutes, you may also use hair dryer - apply heat for 10-20 seconds this will make the paint harder to remove and enable you to produce finer chipping.
For how long does the paint remain reversible?
The paint will remain reversible for several days.
What type of brush should I use?
We strongly recommend using a soft red sable brush. Such brush ensures you won't accidentally scratch the surface. Flat or "cat's tongue" bristle shapes work best.
I was able to create cool chipping but paint lodged itself in some areas like welding seams and it’s hard to remove it!
Please use a scrubber brush.
The paint won’t come off!
Did you varnish your model? Please remember that Chip & Nick smart chipping paint works only on properly varnished smooth surfaces. The finish can be gloss, satin or matt but the varnish layer must be even - well levelled. Paint must be well shaken before painting, make sure you've shaken your bottle well for at least 1 minute!
I do a lot of shading on my models and the surface is coarse due to repeated airbrushing, what to do to be able to use Chip & Nick?
Please apply extra varnish layer so that the coarse surface is evened up or alter your technique so that the overspray lessens. Properly executed paint and varnish jobs are smooth. If you have trouble trouble achieving a smooth surface please consider the following:
adjusting the ambient temperature to around 20 degrees Celsius, when it’s too hot the sprayed paint droplets often land on the model half dried which hinders levelling,
adjust pressure - lower pressure means longer drying times and better levelling,
thin your paint properly, introduce more thinner,
apply the paint generously so that a proper layer is created, many modellers tend to spray thin layers that dry instantly and don’t level at all,
deep-clean or upgrade your tools/compressor.
How many models will I be able to detail with one bottle of Chip & Nick paint?
Bottles hold approximately 20 ml of paint, to detail one medium sized 1:35 vehicle you will need about 1-3 ml. One bottle is therefore sufficient to detail 30 - 10 vehicles depending on number of passes you will do with a particular colour and the vehicle size itself.
My base paint changes colour (lightens) when I apply water over it!
Don’t worry it’s only temporary - the colour will revert to the original shade once water evaporates, usually in 20-30 minutes.
Can I mix colours to create custom shades?
Yes, you can mix Chip & Nick colours.
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