Vista rápida The Japanese Aircraft Carriers Sōryū and Hiryū Ref: KAG-95002 Kagero Stock: 1 32,99 € Comprar
Vista rápida 58- New Orleans-class Cruiser USS Astoria Ref: KAG-7058 Kagero Stock: 1 18,99 € Comprar
Vista rápida 67 - The Russian Destroyer Spravedlivyy Ref: KAG-16067 Kagero Stock: 1 29,99 € Comprar
Vista rápida 15 - The Battleship Bismarck Ref: KAG-7015 Kagero Sin stock 18,99 € SIN STOCK Sin stock
Vista rápida 31 - Yahagi. Japanese Light Crusier 1942-1945 Ref: KAG-7031 Kagero Stock: 1 18,99 € Comprar
Vista rápida 34 - The British aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal Ref: KAG-7034 Kagero Sin stock 18,99 € SIN STOCK Sin stock
Vista rápida 63 - The Greek Armored Cruiser Georgios Averof 1911-1913 Ref: KAG-16063 Kagero Stock: 1 29,99 € Comprar