SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper 1943–1945
Massimiliano Afiero
ISBN 978-83-951575-0-9
Hard cover
format A4
112 pages
334 archival photos
8 color profiles
The military career of Jochen Peiper, one of the most valiant and decorated officers of the Waffen SS, told through the main battles and campaigns, which involved the units under his command, especially the armored Kampfgruppen of the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, starting from the fighting on the front Kharkov, between February and March 1943, passing through the fighting for the salient of Kursk, the intervention in Italy, the new campaign on the Ukrainian front between autumn and winter of 1943-44, fighting on the front of Normandy, the counter-offensive in the Ardennes, until the last fighting on the Hungarian front and in Austria. The analysis of the various battles told through the testimonies of the direct protagonists, the war reports of the period, the original documents, without forgetting the involvement in some war crimes, all accompanied as always, by an exceptional iconographic apparatus, maps, documents and images, coming from the military archives all over the world and from the main private collections, to make the discussion of the topics even more compelling and realistic.