3006 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 vol. IV – Krzysztof Janowicz – ISBN 83-89088-32-0
The monograph on the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D and Ta 152 discusses their origins and development, technical details of subsequent variants and sub-variants, and camouflage and markings. The book also describes the operational history of both aircraft during the last months of WW2 and compares them to their RAF and USAAF opponents. It contains the production list of Fw 190 D with serial numbers; technical data and lists of the most successful pilots of Fw 190 D and pilots who scored while flying Ta 152s.
English & Polish text, 112 pages, 115 photos, 22 sheets of 1:48 scale drawings, which include specification of external changes on production-run versions of the aircraft, 11 pages of colour charts with 24 examples of camouflage schemes.
Free decal sheet with 1:48 and 1:72 individual markings for 8 schemes:
Fw 190 D-9, flown by Obst. Hans-Ulrich Rudel of Stab SG 2, Grossenheim, 1945,
Fw 190 D-9, flown by Fw. Hagen Foster of 7./JG 301, 1945,
Fw 190 D-9, W.Nr 210003, ‘Red 1’, flown by Oblt. Hans Dortenmann of 12./JG 54, Oldenberg, 1944,
Fw 190 D-9, ‘Yellow 4’, flown by Gefr. Werner Merz of 11./JG 54, Oldenberg, 1944,
Fw 190 D-9, ‘Red 3’, flown by Hptm. Waldemar Wübke of JV 44, München-Riem, 1945,
Fw 190 D-11 (ex-V58), W.Nr 170933, ‘Red 4’ of JV 44, München-Riem, 1945,
Fw 190 D-13/R11, ‘Yellow 10’, flown by Maj. Franz Götz of Stab JG 26, Flensburg, 1945,
Ta 152 H-1, ‘Green 3’, flown by Ofw. Josef Keil of Stab JG 301, Alteno, 1945.