1/72 MiG-29UB Fulcrum-B
1/72 Injection Plastic Kit
- Date Released
- 2017
- Package Size
- 30.0cm x 20.0cm x 4.5cm
- Skill Level
- 3
- Needs Paints?
- Weight
- 320 gr
- Needs Glue?
- Photoetched parts included
- NO
- Resin parts included
- NO
- Scale
- 1/72
- Country
- Russia
- Modern
- Material
- Plastic
- Availability for shipping
- Envio en 10 dias
From the manufacturer:
In order to train the new pilots of the Fulcrum for the Air Force, Mikoyan OKB developed a combat-capable trainer based on the original Fulcrum A.
Known as the Izdeliye 9.51, the new two-seat MiG-29UB conversion trainer took its first flight on 29th April 1981. To avoid a major redesign and ensure maximum commonality, the fire control radar was deleted in order to contain the newly-designed cockpit and canopy. Both the trainee at the front seat and the instructor at the rear can control the aircraft completely With the remaining IRST and HMS, the MiG-29UG can still fire the IR-homing AAMs and air-to-ground armaments. The internal cannon were retained.
The MiG-29UB retained dogfighting and strike capability, and the special emulators allows pilots to train in intercept techniques. Most users of the single-seat MiG-29s have imported the MiG-29UB to train their new pilots.
Molded in gray and clear plastic; includes decals for 2 markings variations.
Data sheet
- Date Released
- 2017
- Package Size
- 30.0cm x 20.0cm x 4.5cm
- Skill Level
- 3
- Needs Paints?
- Weight
- 320 gr
- Needs Glue?
- Photoetched parts included
- NO
- Resin parts included
- NO
- Scale
- 1/72
- Country
- Russia
- Modern
- Material
- Plastic
- Availability for shipping
- Envio en 10 dias
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